If you are interested in opening a credit card, it is important that you understand the difference and benefits of each one. Below is a list of credit cards that only need the TIN (individual tax number) to apply. Depending on your credit history, you have two options: Credit card, and the prepaid credit card that is for people who don't have credit or are trying to fix a not so good history.
A prepaid credit card works like a regular card, but the difference is that you put a deposit in the amount of the credit line you need. If you want a $1,000 line of credit, you'll contact the company that offers the prepaid card, and you'll send them that amount. You'll use it like a regular card, so you can build your credit.
Here is a list of some of the cards that can be opened using only the TIN number (individual tax number). Tip: If you haven't had the ITIN for very long, and it's likely that it won't be approved, it's it is important that you do not apply to multiple cards trying to be approved because this is against you in your credit history! Apply on a prepaid first!
To take control of your credit, the Equifax website offers full monitoring of what is in your name, such as open accounts, payment history, and much more. Depending on your plan of choice, at a small monthly fee. Get in onsitefor more information.
Having good credit helps with car buying, renting, home buying, bank loans, and many other things. If you are unable to open a regular card with prepaid, until you have a history of up-to-date payments so that in the future you can be approved for a regular card.
Learn how to build your credithere